i sometimes update dreams that are not new but i archived somewhere

03.dec.2023 . convoluted

i dreamed that benson from regular show traveled through dimensions and tricked everyone into thinking that he was making some super paintings??? but in reality he went to another dimension and he traced them??? i didn't really get it.

i also dreamed that the peitrion was choosing a taylor swift song each??? i don't even know what songs they were cuz don't listen to taylor swift so i guess i made them up. :P we were even rehearsing it because it had a whole choreo. i think everything was organized by konejo.

it was something we were presenting that in a show but we were also the audience?? haha, i remember that the peitrion was very far from where i had sat. tweek and craig were nearby, and next to them was reverend putty (who i think i went together with xD).

well, something went wrong and everything caught fire. i was staying beside my grandmother and suddenly we were at our house??? my grandmother wanted to save some photos from the fire before going down the stairs but i asked her to stop cuz it was getting worse and worse and i was afraid the stairs would collapse.

my grandmother came down first, and just as she does the fire gets very intense. i panic cuz i don't know if she was able to get down but the NINJA TURTLES are just arriving??? and they put out the fire. i run to hug my grandmother, and random gifs appear around?? and then i'm going to say hello to the rest that were waiting for me, the first being PUTTY HAHAHAHAHA XD there were also gifs around us, help. then i went to say hello to post covid scott malkinson but i was waken up :( (what was going on with the men of God)

xx.xxxx.202x . overly lucid

this isn't a new dream, but it's my most realistic one to date. not in the sense that the things that happened were grounded in reality, but because i actually felt trapped in another dimension.

i was in an intergalactic hotel of some sort, and 707 from mystic messenger was with me. at some point, i was laying down on my back in the hallway, and seven was sitting on top of me. we were just chilling out, it seemed pretty normal as people just passed by.

at some point, i start freaking out. everything felt too real, as if i was actually in there. maybe it's just me, but even if i'm aware it's a dream, it has a certain feeling that isn't grounded in reality.

this time, i could see my feet, feel the walls, know where i am. i was scared i was stuck somewhere.

i found what supposedly was my sketchbook from this "dimension." it had great ideas, so i started taking pictures and uploading them to my private whatsapp group, hoping that i could see them when i woke up.

seven was there the whole time, but didn't say anything, lol.

well, in the end i woke up, and unsurprisingly, nothing was in my whatsapp group, and i forgot about these "great ideas" in the sketchbook.

xx.xxxx.202x . classic weird

i have to check the date on this one, as it isn't a recent one. i will leave it on the dream log as i like it for how weird and crazy it is.

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