warning: auto-play music, blood, violence and bad words.. extreme cases or other sensitive topics will be in their own area. (^^)b

hello, welcome! this is paramori.

there's a solitary town near a strange forest with lurking shadows. why did one decide to step outside... and be so annoying?

this world is as scrambled as my brain, please beware. thank you for your patience. m(_ _m)

this website is an archive, mostly. it's best viewed on pc. ;;

the entire site is still a big wip... i wouldn't say it's even a quarter done.

in the future expect complete character pages and galleries, downloadables and even simple paramori themed games. very ambitious. (゜.゜)

if, for any reason, any of this sounds good to you, please grab (click) ángelo's head. he'll take you to wherever you want to go (promised).

Click Me