PERSONALITY: despite being friendly to anyone who meets him, he gives others the feeling of a bad omen. it's unclear if his actions have bad intentions, seems to live by his own set of rules.

strange things ensue whenever he's involved.

he often lacks respect for boundaries and is very stubborn, trusting his own judgment.

he's highly intelligent and calculated in his pursuits. He mostly roams the woods, even at night.

INTERESTS: angelo takes joy in creation. he likes baking, sewing, knitting, writting, doodling... he has a diary where he puts down his thoughts.

he also takes joy in taking strolls in the forest... no one else dares to go there.

despite being an outcast, he himself is pretty selective with who he takes interest in.

angelo also enjoys cute things. or well, what HE finds cute (his criteria is not the most conventional).

he often becomes infatuated with whatever catches his attention. good look if it's you.


bend to others' will, answer too many questions.

RANDOM FACT: His favorite song is "You Rock My World" by Michael Jackson.

Best to ignore.